Tryout Dates
We’re excited to announce tryout dates:
8U Tryouts (2019, 2018, 2017)
Monday, 3/10 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Tuesday, 3/11 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Wednesday, 3/12 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
10U Tryouts (2015, 2016)
Thursday, 3/13 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Friday, 3/14 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Friday, 3/14 (8:00PM - 9:00PM) @ AOF [Goalies Only]
12U Tryouts (2013, 2014)
Monday, 3/17 (6:50PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF [Goalies Only]
Tuesday, 3/18 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Tuesday, 3/19 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
14U Tryouts (2011, 2012)
Monday, 4/7 (6:10PM - 7:30PM) @ ISCC
Tuesday, 4/8 (5:30PM - 6:50PM) @ ISCC
16U & 18U Tryouts (2007 to 2010
Inquiry Form:
Program Highlights
8U Mite Division (2017, 2018, 2019)
- 40-45 cross-ice games and full-ice development opportunities
- IPH sessions two times per month
- Pro Crease sessions two times per month
- Goalie clinics during the season
- Three tournaments
- Apparel Package
10U Squirt Division (2015, 2016)
- 40-45 games
- IPH sessions two times per month
- Pro Crease sessions two times per month
- Goalie clinics during the season
- 50% discount for full time goalies.
- Three tournaments
- Apparel Package
12U PeeWee Division (2013, 2014)
- 40-45 games
- IPH sessions two times per month
- Pro Crease sessions two times per month
- Goalie clinics during the season
- 100% discount for full time goalies.
- Three tournaments
- Apparel Package
14U Bantam Division (2011, 2012)
- 40-45 games
- IPH sessions two times per month
- Pro Crease sessions two times per month
- Goalie clinics during the season
- 100% discount for full time goalies.
- Three tournaments
- Apparel Package
16U/18U Midget Division (2007 - 2010)
- 20-25 games in a split season
- IPH sessions two times per month
- Pro Crease sessions two times per month
- Goalie clinics during the season
- 100% discount for full time goalies.
Q & A
What are the eligible ages?
Learn To Skate: Open to all 1st year players up to 8 years of age until January 1st of current season.
Developmental/Mite-In House: Open to players up to 8 years of age until January 1st of current season.
8U Mite: Open to players up to 8 years of age until January 1st of current season
10U Squirt: Open to players 9 & 10 years of age until January 1st of current season
12U PeeWee: Open to players 11 & 12 years of age until January 1st of current season
14U Bantam: Open to players 13 & 14 years of age until January 1st of current season
18U Midget: Open to players 15 to 19 years of age until January 1st of current season
Can players participate outside of their specific age group?
ACFYHA strongly recommends that that all players participate within the age groups recommended by USA Hockey. However, playing up in ACFYHA will be allowed in very rare circumstances, please reference the bylaws for further detail. In general, over-age players are not permitted in any level.
What is the registration timeline?
Registration process will be determined by the Registrar and communicated through the ACFYHA website. The process and timing will depend on dates for tryouts. In general, for travel teams' registration will occur in March/April for a spring tryout and August for a fall tryout. Registration for all developmental programs will occur in October with an additional registration in November for the second Learn to Skate program.
What are the fees to register?
ACFYHA will consider current and projected operating costs and prepare a fee schedule for the upcoming season. The fee schedule may include, but is not limited to, a tryout fee, commitment fee, registration fee and fundraising fee. This information will be distributed to all members through the ACFYHA website. Until players are registered, they will not be allowed to participate in any program activities unless other arrangements have been made with the Registrar.
Is there a refund policy?
Yes, please refence the bylaws. The tryout fees are non-refundable after the start of tryouts.
What do I do to become a referee?
All referees, either male or female, must be registered with USA Hockey and pass all applicable testing to be certified for the current hockey season. In order to be considered for referee assignments at ACFYHA home games, officials must also be registered with the Ice Hockey Officials of Northern Connecticut (IHONC). The website provides the details required for those interested in a being a certified referee. Game assignments will be determined by the IHONC Referee Assigner and are based on the referee’s level of accreditation, reliability, and the game circumstances. That notwithstanding, the Allocations will be as fair as possible in terms of distributing work assignments. All ACFYHA games requiring referees will be submitted by the ACFYHA Division Directors directly to IHONC Referee Assigner.
What is the discipline standard?
In general, Avon Canton Farmington Youth Hockey Association will follow and uphold the minimum requirements as stated by the following guidelines, CHC and USA Hockey.
ACFYHA may increase any suspension at their discretion. ACFYHA, through its elected or appointed Board of Directors, have the authority to discipline any player, team official, and parent or BOD member.
2025-2026 Season Tryouts
This registration is for the Avon Hockey tryouts.
8U Tryouts (2019, 2018, 2017)
Monday, 3/10 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Tuesday, 3/11 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Wednesday, 3/12 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
10U Tryouts (2015, 2016)
Thursday, 3/13 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Friday, 3/14 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Friday, 3/14 (8:00PM - 9:00PM) @ AOF [Goalies Only]
12U Tryouts (2013, 2014)
Monday, 3/17 (6:50PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF [Goalies Only]
Tuesday, 3/18 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
Tuesday, 3/19 (5:40PM - 7:50PM) @ AOF (Two Sessions, Groupings TBD)
14U Tryouts (2011, 2012)
Monday, 4/7 (6:10PM - 7:30PM) @ ISCC
Tuesday, 4/8 (5:30PM - 6:50PM) @ ISCC
16U & 18U Tryouts (2007 to 2010)
Prior to the 2025-2026 tryouts, you will receive an email indicating the grouping to which your player will be assigned.
If you do not receive an email by March 8th, please contact to inquire about your child's group number.
Pinneys will be provided upon check-in on the first day and will be used for all sessions. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to tryout time for check in.
Team selections will be communicated via an offer letter sent to your email address once the board has voted to approved roster sizes.
The tryout fee will be $100.00 for all age groups. All fees must be paid in full to be considered for a spot on the travel teams.
All tryout fees will be applied to the 2025-2026 travel team registration fee, should you commit to a team.
All outstanding balances from previous seasons must be paid in full before participating in tryouts.
For further detail, kindly refer to the tryout memo available at the following link:
If you have any questions about registration, please contact